# SENR 20

Assembled with our 3/2 Namur Solenoid Valve, this block will not restrict air flow on exhaust.
3/2 in-line solenoid valve as pilot

Spring Return Actuators

If you require more flow than the SENR Quick Exhaust Block shown above, you need our 3/2 Pilot Valve directly pipped onto your actuator and a small 1/8" (3/2) Solenoid Valve.
Air Supply size on your actuator:
1/8" and 1/4" : In-Line 3/2 Pilot Valves - Page 47
3/8", 1/2" and 3/4" : In-Line 3/2 Pilot Valves - Page 48
In-Line 1/8" (3/2) Solenoid Valve #MH 310 501 - Page 83

Double Acting Actuators
If you need a double acting actuator to stroke quickly, use our 5/2 Pilot Valve directly pipped onto your actuator and a small 1/8" (3/2) solenoid valve.
Air Supply size on your actuator:
1/8" and 1/4" : In-Line 5/2 Pilot Valves - Page 54
3/8", 1/2" and 3/4" : In-Line 5/2 Pilot Valves - Page 55
In-Line 1/8" (3/2) Solenoid Valve #MH 310 501 - Page 83

Economical and extremely effective
All valves can be supplied in NPT, Low/High Temperature, Atex
Explosion Proof, Low Power and I-Safe.


# SENR 207

Assembled with our 3/2 Namur Solenoid Valve, this block will not restrict air flow on exhaust.
3/2 Namur solenoid valve as pilot

SENR 207

Spec sheet page 175

 Quick Exhaust - Spring Return Actuators
   With a Namur mounted solenoid valve

 Quick Exhaust - Spring Return and
 Double Acting Actuators

   In-Line: assembly consisting of a High Flow Pilot Valve and a small 1/8" solenoid valve

 Quick Exhaust Block
   Quickly exhaust the actuator to atmosphere instead of going through the solenoid valve.

# SE 501

1/8" ports

# SE 801

1/4" Ports

# SE 121

1/2" Ports

Download spec sheet: page 65